While donating towards Zindagi Zindabad , you as an individual or a cooperation can claim for 50% deduction at the time of filling your income return. The NGO is registered under a 12A(a) of the Income Tax Act 1961, and is registered under the indian trust act , 1882.
Shop no. 11, Civil Lines Complex, Rudrapur (U.S.Nagar), Uttarakhand.
Phone: +91-9997013022
Fax: (888) 786 6542
Zindagi Zindabad , you as an individual or a cooperation can claim for 50% deduction at the time of filling your income return.
Address: zindagizindabad.com
Shop no. 11, Civil Lines Complex, Rudrapur (U.S.Nagar), Uttarakhand.
Call Us: +91-9997013022 or
( 888 ) 786 6542